Alright people, there's only one day left if this competition!

Alright people, there's only one day left if this competition! One day to click this filter ==> #mrcprofile1015 and peruse all the images. The image with the total number of +1s at the end of tomorrow (I live in mountain time, USA. I believe I'm the westmost of the moderators) will be our new profile picture until January.
So, click #mrcprofile1015 and vote. It will be good for you. ;)
Originally shared by Jason ON
It's a new quarter, let's have a new contest! Same as before:
1- Upload an image (you have the rights for) of something to do with motorcycling.
2- Tag it with #mrcprofile1015
3- On October 15 (a little shy of a month from now) we'll change the community Profile picture from Sash peeing in the woods to whatever gets the most plus 1s.
And... go!