Is there such a thing as a girl sexy enough to forgive this transgression?

Is there such a thing as a girl sexy enough to forgive this transgression?

For you ladies, is there such a thing as a man sexy enough to forgive this transgression?

Originally shared by Nate Taylor

She looks kinda.. Bwahahaha!


Julie Hayward said…
I'd be smacking the dude up side the head and hoping they got hurt & the bike didn't!!! Stupid silly sexy dance or not....fool. LOL
Don't mess with ma bike!! It's not a friggin pole!
Rory Anderson said…
kickstand side...always pole dance on the kickstand side,everyone knows that.
Julie Hayward said…
Lmao Linda Rodriguez . Even if it was a man I'd kick his ass!!

Her last thought was probably "get the cookies ready, I'm getting a booboo". Lol
Javier Castro said…
Ouch... her legs... the paint... double FAIL
Hopefully her legs protected the bike. For me, if some asswipe made my bike fall out of stupidity, he will be licking his ass
Sash Walker said…
Someone allowed her to touch their bike so that person could enjoy the view. Far be it from me to turn away a wet, horney, soapy girl, but I wouldn't be dumb enough to leave her alone with my bike. Shame on me, if I did. And for f*cksake, I look sexier than that when I DROP my bike! LMTO!!!

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