Imagine you're a man; a man who's knitting; a man who's knitting at a Starbucks.

Imagine you're a man; a man who's knitting; a man who's knitting at a Starbucks.

Now, imagine the police approach.

What happens?

Originally shared by Aaron Fown

I dig this story. Happy ending!

Also, can you tell that my primary task today involves formatting and installing Windows on some test machines? yawn


Bobbi Jo Woods said…
I know about a few men who go to knitting clubs.  Meh, they like it, more power to them
Masha du Toit said…
Yay! What a nice story :-)
Julie Hayward said…
Good story!
My hubby taught me how to use a sewing machine. I found it very sexy. ;-)
I've known a few male knitters, and they were all engineers of one kind or another. A lot of the engineers I know are also guitar players. I don't know what the connection is between engineering and knitting/guitars, but there seems to be one.
Jason ON said…
Seems like engineers are the connection. ;)
David Simmons said…
In San Francisco they would have tassed him for having a deadly weapon.

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