Did you know that the House GOP created new rules that restrict said chamber of Congress from acting?

Did you know that the House GOP created new rules that restrict said chamber of Congress from acting?

For those of you who seem to think this shutdown is Obama's fault, or the Dem's fault or the blame should be placed elsewhere, on the same day that Congress let the government of these Unites States fail, the Republicans changed the rules giving their own majority leader (or his designee) the ability to even publicly discuss funding the federal government.

Originally shared by Reverend Eric Ha

This is utter bullshit. The Republicans have stacked the deck entirely in their favor and they're gloating. Remember this when you vote.


Gary Rudd said…
Yep .. Democracy at its best!!  Let's change the rules at the last minute so that the elected REPRESENTATIVES (you know the only ones who can give voice to all Americans), are not allowed to... represent!  Brilliant  House of Representatives becomes the House of Maybe We Will Represent You
im optomistic and i think things will be fine just not anytime soon.
vincent mason said…
The Republicans are changing the rules to please themselves all over the country.. at every level....Just like Michigan and if the city is in financial problems the Republican governor can fire the mayor and the whole city council...and replace the elected officials with one person of his choice to oversee everything...
Paul M Edwards said…
They're all evil and crooked bastards which should be removed. Republicans & Democrats alike.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Faux news will still blame Obama.
Sash Walker said…
Realistically, both parties use these tactics equally. This just happened on the GOP's watch. They found a maneuver and used it. I'm sure a scholar of poly sci could point out thousands of similar moves done by both parties over the years. I'm old enough to remember when the tables were turned the other way. I'm not saying it's right. It's the way it is when you have a two-party system.
Jason ON said…
It's not an important read, Paul Edwards, it's more libertarian nonsense trying to place the blame elsewhere. The truth of the matter is, 20 or so Tea Party Bagger congressional members are holding the House of Representatives hostage. Without them the rest of the GOP can't win a vote and they know it, thus making outrageous demands. The Dems and Obama have already conceded to a smaller spending bill, the number the House wanted, but with no cuts to Obamacare. The Baggers said no, cut the ACA or we're not budging.

That's 20 or so people holding more than 500 hostage, holding the entire senate hostage and the nation hostage.
David Simmons said…
Paul Ryan love the new rule. Now he can do nothing and blame it on the rules.

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