John Pozadzides wrote this great blog post about Christian compassion.

John Pozadzides wrote this great blog post about Christian compassion. According to the followers of the peace-loving Jesus atheists, or anyone who opposes christian dominionsim, should be killed, tortured or raped. Of course, one could refer to rape as torture, but that's another discussion.

Since the original posting by Fox News' Facebook page has been removed, I, nor anyone else, can go over there and comment, but some of those who have advocated for assault, battery or murder in the name of their lord, have been screen captured and their names have not been blackened out.


Jeff Chapman said…
I've found a new testament of jesus christ in the says......"Here, drink this Kool-Aid......"
Tim McAdam said…
were they from the westborough church, or whatever that over the top one is in Kansas? I'm guessing some could be "self- professed" just to stir the pot and cause a problem.... internet trolls ring any bells?

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