Let's hope this is a drawing and not a tattoo.

Let's hope this is a drawing and not a tattoo.

Originally shared by Rich LaDuca


Andrew Maxwell said…
Looking at his chosen neck tattoo(zipper) I think this is a real tattoo.
James Karaganis said…
Well, that's going to limit his employment opportunities.
Andrew Maxwell said…
Unless he is looking for a job in Arachnology
trench coat said…
I wish we had a better photo. It kinda looks like a big dumb spider but I'm pretty sure it's a facehugger. I think I see a bit of the tail around his neck but the better vantage point should be the other side of his face.
Dean Holyer said…
Almost reminds me of the Alien creature from the Alien movies.
James Karaganis said…
Yes, that's what trench coat was referring to with facehugger.
trench coat said…
Indeed. I'm not really a fan of tattoos, or fake tattoos, but if someone went out and actually got a facehugger tattooed on their face? Well, that's a whole new level of fan dedication and actually scores a few geek points from me.

Unless, of course, it's just a big dumb spider. (I really don't think it is.)
Jeff Chapman said…
That there is a tattoo that let's people know you don't have a job and you have no interest in a job.....unless it's a sideshow....
Dean Holyer said…
The only place for that kind of work is a horror shop or the white house since it has horrors like that every day, thanks to our current fool and chief.
Jason ON said…
Hi Dean Holyer . you brought politics into a completely non-political post. You're a jackass.
Dean Holyer said…
Some one has to be one or they would become extinct. And you must be so sunk into politics you can not see humor sitting on your face.
trench coat said…
Seriously? On a tattoo/faux-tattoo post?

I rarely block, but, really - so utterly blocked.
Jason ON said…
I love a good political discussion, Dean Holyer, but I don't discuss Liberal vs. Conservative ideological differences with mules and I'm not going to discuss it with you, either. Like trench coat, I rarely block people. welcome to an exclusive club.
James Karaganis said…
Jason ON Yes, but would you discuss politics with a facehugger?
Dean Holyer said…
ok, sometimes there is areas of topics stink so much some can not hold their breath long enough.
Jason ON said…
Dean Holyer, looking at your profile (before blocking) and I see no intrinsic value you bring to my stream. Bye.

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