This is Charlie playing with a German Shepherd we met at the dog park yesterday, Rifle.

This is Charlie playing with a German Shepherd we met at the dog park yesterday, Rifle. Yeah, the GSD's name is Rifle.

Rufus tries to join in the fun as well, but he's older than all of them and can't quite keep up. 

I have another video as well, but for some reason it didn't auto-upload. 

#dogloversworldwide  and an early #fidofriday


Debra T said…
The "refs" were funny.
nina clifford said…
How cute!!!!!!!! I love dogs!!! I love when dogs play! Thank you for sharing, Jason!
》》》》 Nina said that!!!
Warron French said…
Beautiful dogs.  That Shepherd reminds me of my old Thunder.  I lost him August 3rd.  He was a GREAT dog.  I couldn't have asked for a better first pet in my life.

Thanks for sharing Jason ON.
nina clifford said…
Oh my goodness. I am sorry for your loss. I can relate... When I was just 3 or 6 months old, I lost my 2 dachshunds. I can bet they were wonderful. Also my mother can relate. When she was 7 years old, her parents (my grandparents) took her to the ASPCA for her birthday and got a 3 month old puppy... his name was Brownie. He passed away at 13 or 14 (I really don't know) and my mom told me that he was a wonderful dog and was so good... And you know what happened, they took a picture of him on his last day and my mom said that she would NEVER do that again. (Incase you didn't know she meant to never take a picture of a dog she has on his last day) So, you have my condolences.

Sent from my iPod
Kevin Noonan said…
I lost my GSD in 2010, I owe my life to that dog, he serviced with me in the US army. He is missed dearly.....
Warron French said…
Kevin Noonan thank you for your service.  I do understand how you feel because my GSD saved my girlfriends life a few times over the past 10 years.  Did you ever see that Nat Geo TV Show about the working dogs of the military?  Great show, unfortunately one of the dogs didn't do so good and cost a guy both his legs... based on my observations limited to the show.

God bless you, Sincerely Kevin Noonan.
Paul Dicola said…
Aww, Rifle is an awesome name for a GSD. They're the best breed!
Warron French said…
Paul Dicola I certainly wouldn't argue.
nina clifford said…
Oh my. I feel so bad for you! My father is active duty in the army for 36
years and he has been shot 2 times, had a knife in the neck, and fell from
30 feet. I am so sorry for your loss, our dogs are our best friends. No
changing that.
Jason ON said…
Here's another video of their playing, Kevin Noonan , Nina Jones and Warron French .

Charlie Playing with Rifle
Warron French said…
Thanks for sharing Jason ON I truly appreciate it.  That Shepherd is exactly like my Thunder.

Claude A Robinson III are your Shepherds the same?  Mine typically took the role of protector.
Hanna and Beau play like that. Beau more often then Hanna. But Hanna is older too, she also is a protector. It depends on if she likes the other dog. Thanks for tagging me Warron French . I took a video of Hanna and Beau playing. It is on YouTube. Let me see if I can find the link...
Warron French said…
Cool Claude, when you find it... send it over.
Warron French I shared the video and mentioned you twice! Check your notifications!

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