This is Charlie playing with a German Shepherd we met at the dog park yesterday, Rifle.

This is Charlie playing with a German Shepherd we met at the dog park yesterday, Rifle. Yeah, the GSD's name is Rifle.
Rufus tries to join in the fun as well, but he's older than all of them and can't quite keep up.
I have another video as well, but for some reason it didn't auto-upload.
#dogloversworldwide and an early #fidofriday
》》》》 Nina said that!!!
Thanks for sharing Jason ON.
Sent from my iPod
God bless you, Sincerely Kevin Noonan.
years and he has been shot 2 times, had a knife in the neck, and fell from
30 feet. I am so sorry for your loss, our dogs are our best friends. No
changing that.
Charlie Playing with Rifle
Claude A Robinson III are your Shepherds the same? Mine typically took the role of protector.