While reading all the positive news about the SCotUS' decision on DOMA yesterday I completely forgot that Digg was...
While reading all the positive news about the SCotUS' decision on DOMA yesterday I completely forgot that Digg was supposed to release their Reader on the 26th.
I didn't get invited yet, but time is running short. While I wait I decided to give Flipboard another try and just like when it launched, the product just annoys me. I much prefer Google's own Currents over Flipboard for content.
Then I decided to check out the much acclaimed Feed.ly. Wow. Suitably impressed. Everything was nice and easy and the customization was great. Digg's definitely got their work cut out for them if they have to meet these expectations.
Still looking forward to Digg's foray into the world of RSS readers so hopefully that invite comes soon.
I didn't get invited yet, but time is running short. While I wait I decided to give Flipboard another try and just like when it launched, the product just annoys me. I much prefer Google's own Currents over Flipboard for content.
Then I decided to check out the much acclaimed Feed.ly. Wow. Suitably impressed. Everything was nice and easy and the customization was great. Digg's definitely got their work cut out for them if they have to meet these expectations.
Still looking forward to Digg's foray into the world of RSS readers so hopefully that invite comes soon.