Have 44 available gigabytes on my computer for storage.

Have 44 available gigabytes on my computer for storage.
Have 32 gigabytes of images to unload from my memory card.

Have to take more pictures soon. 



James Karaganis said…
You're going to need a bigger disk.
Steve Ruge said…
or a power editing session
Jeff Chapman said…
What are you using for backup?
Jason ON said…

I have two backup drives (a 120g and a 500g) in storage. I know, not really helping there.

Lately I've been putting stuff on DVDs.
Jeff Chapman said…
$59/year for home users online backup from multiple vendors. First backup takes forever but painkillers after that....dvds were a pain.... you could use Blue Ray but then you needed somewhere offsite to store... i caved and started using carbonite a couple years ago.... figured the wife would kill me if the kids pictures were successfully gone....i also have an external hd at my sister's house.

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