According to Rotton Tomatoes, Man of Steel only has a 58% approval rating. Has anyone see it? Is it better than 58%?

According to Rotton Tomatoes, Man of Steel only has a 58% approval rating. Has anyone see it? Is it better than 58%?

Is it worth the extra money for IMAX 3D?


I am likely to be going to see it. I figure some of the poor rating is preconceived notions of what Superman should be. These are people that are completely sold on the Comics and Donner versions of movies. I am up for a bit of a more human twist on the story. Like Gavin nivaG, I can make up my own mind.

I will be seeing it on a standard sized, 2D screen. It wasn't filmed in IMAX or 3D, so all of that is purely upscaling and post-conversion. It isn't worth the extra money for that.
Akhilesh Jain said…
Saw it yesterday in IMAX. Ignore all reviews. If you are watching it (and you should), watch it in IMAX 3D!
Jason ON said…
That's how I usually look at these ratings, Al Steffen but Iron Man 3 and Star Trek Into Darkness both had fairly good ratings on RT. I was just wondering if it was at least that good.
Did you like those movies Jason ON? If not, then you need to start reading reviews in reverse.
Jason ON said…
They weren't bad, but I didn't think they were as great as the reviews would have led me to believe.
Man of Steel is epic. Ignore RT. View it in IMAX defo mate, wish I could of
Fred Reich said…
If anything, I watched the 3D version and would probably have it enjoyed the 2D more. Superman flying? 3D goodness. Superman fight scenes? Hot mess of too much going on. And the negative reviews (I assume) are based squarely on the fact that the movie is so darn serious. It's Superman! Big Blue Boy Scout. Crack a joke and a smile!
Chris Thompson said…
My wife and I thought it was great. We don't understand all the harsh reviews. Yes it was a little more dark than the previous Superman films, or maybe just more emotionally charged. I mean my wife outright cried, and I even gotten a tear or two. There was funny snippets as well. I mean this is an action hero movie so the main goal of action is well captured. So please people  don't go by what these nay sayers who are writing bad reviews are saying. Give your self the chance to form your own opinion I don't think you will me disappointed. Oh yeah, it is definitely not your normal, routine superman story!.
Eddy Ng said…
The reviews are very misleading. Most fans loved it. My wife and I loved it. We watched it 3d but we found it didn't add enough to change the movie experience.
Shawn Ziemba said…
It was great. Go see it for sure. I would say it should be a 75% on my own RT rating scale, with Iron Man 3 being a 60%'er and Star Trek Into Darkness being a 85% in my book...  RT gave "Drive" a 98% or something  that movie was the worst movie ever made. So ignore RT reviews.
I'm not a big comic book movie fan, nor have I ever really been a big Superman fan, so I was a tiny bit skeptical going to see it with my husband, the huge nerd. We both loved it! I think a lot of the bad reviews, as others have said, are due to the seriousness. In my opinion, that's part of what made it so good, though. As for 3D or not, my eyes don't work right for 3D, so we didn't bother. It didn't look like it was made for 3D, though, so I doubt it's much better.
Ryan Carvalho said…
Go see it. My whole family watched it, loved it .,and would happily see it again. And here's a review that says it so much better than I can

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