Apparently you can't work for a catholic organization and be a victim at the same time.
Apparently you can't work for a catholic organization and be a victim at the same time. The diocese doesn't take kindly to that.
Originally shared by Ryan “IT Lab” Drewrey
If you are the victim of abuse, you're fired!
Originally shared by Ryan “IT Lab” Drewrey
If you are the victim of abuse, you're fired!
Ryan going "WTF Catholics" is pretty typical of him which is why I blocked him long ago. This is not a "catholic" problem, this is a school administration problem.
I mean, if would be the same as stating: Dude, you're fascination with comic books and cartoons erodes any intellectual footing when there's a legitimate issue involving the real world.
The equation doesn't add up.
The facts are:
-the school is run by a religion
-she was fired for reasons outside of her control
-she was told she would not be allowed to work in her field within the "diocese" again. (notice, it wasn't the school district)
-while the decision is more of a administration issue, the larger issue is the catholic church abandoning this woman in her time of need.
I made that comment to Jason, because I've known Jason online for a while now. I like Jason. He's a good guy. He's got no problem calling me out when I'm out of line, which is good and everyone needs that from time to time. His opening comment on this thread was a bit out of line, and I pointed out just because that little group of schools made a horrible error in judgement in terminating this woman's employment, that is not a grounds to charge all Catholics nor the entire Catholic organization with that mistake.
That aside, your first fact is not correct. That school is not run by a religion. It is run by people. Those particular people made a very bad decision. You're second and thrid facts are completely accurate and we're on the same page there. I do think the fourth fact you state is going to have to be a wait and see thing. We don't know, and probably never will know, if she got support from her church after this incident.