Chic-Fil-A shattered sales records one day and they call it a win?

Chic-Fil-A shattered sales records one day and they call it a win?

Other overtly religious businesses to be aware of.


Luca L'Aurora said…
Thanks for the tip. I don't frequent many of them, and frankly would rather avoid the bigoted turds entirely :) "Bigoted", you say? "They might be lovely". Maybe, so. Either they don't have convictions the of their beliefs to actually live by their bullshit scriptures, or are too duplicitous or hypocritical to do so. Either way, FUCK 'EM.
Meh. I try to remember that not everyone in their company is that bigoted. Every time I've ever gone there, the food has been great and so has the service.

That said, if they are using the money that came into their possession over a service counter to fund political advocacy against people's rights, I feel obligated not to patronize them with my business. Who knows, maybe they're okay with that.
Lark LaTroy if you're worried about the teenager behind the counter not getting their pay, remember the competition has teenagers working behind theirs too.

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