Google Chrome keeps crashing on me while perusing the Plus.

Google Chrome keeps crashing on me while perusing the Plus.

Cleared all the cookies and caches, but I think I'll step away anyway.


Paul M Edwards said…
How much RAM does your computer have? Google Chrome is a bit of a RAM hog.
Jason ON said…
6 gigs. This is all brand new. Nothing new happened except a Real Player
update and I uninstalled that as well.
Paul M Edwards said…
Chrome does regularly update itself silently. Perhaps it's a glitch in an update?
Jason ON said…
I thought of that too. Uninstall/reinstall?
Paul M Edwards said…
Won't help if it's something they're pushing out.

Could try renaming your profile directories to check if it's profile corruption. Google for info.
Jason ON said…
I did, Paul Edwards . No go.
Paul M Edwards said…
Google Chrome doesn't crash on my computer running Ubuntu Linux . Maybe you should upgrade to #Linux.
Jason ON said…
I keep thinking I need to.
Jason ON said…
re-installed Chrome and so far everything is working fine.
Paul M Edwards said…
Huh. Well, that's great! Saves the hassle.

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