The current #Republican party is #DonaldTrump's party, of that there is no doubt.

The current #Republican party is #DonaldTrump's party, of that there is no doubt. They have stood by him, supported him and defended him whenever he has gone off the rails, embarrassed the US and condemned our ties and alliances that have kept the world relatively peaceful (ie: no more World Wars) for 80ish years.

It seems publicly supporting Putin over the USA is a line many, but not all, in the #GOP couldn't condone, but will it last or will they return to Trump-love soon enough?

In other words, Republicans looked the other way when it came to Trump's Russia views, as they did when it came to so many other things, from his obvious policy ignorance to his racist rhetoric to his "grab 'em by the pussy" tape. With few exceptions, including, to be fair, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney, prominent voices in the GOP declined to denounce Trump—and in Romney's case, he turned around and gladly accepted Trump's endorsement after being publicly humiliated by him. The GOP, by and large, has continued looking the other way: House Republicans are currently hard at work assisting Trump's attacks on the Mueller investigation by accusing the FBI of bias, which the president referenced during his press conference with Putin. In the Senate, McConnell has refused to introduce legislation that would protect Mueller from being fired by Trump, the very least Republicans concerned about their president possibly being in Putin's pocket might do.

via Joseph Milan

Originally shared by Rick Banks

"Trump's pro-Putin stance was so widely known that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy joked about Russians paying Trump in a June 2016 meeting the Washington Post obtained audio of last year. Ryan's response, captured on that audio, was to say, “No leaks... This is how we know we’re a real family here.” Congressional leaders were also briefed about the Russian hacking operations before the election, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics," according to the Post."


Roberto Bayardo said…
They'll just wait 'til this blows over like everything else. McCain, Flake and a few other Republicans, none of whom are up for re-election, will express outrage but then do nothing. Then it will be business as usual.
Jason ON said…
Sadly, I believe you're right.

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