Facebook is caving to the batshit crazy Right.

Facebook is caving to the batshit crazy Right. You know, those people who will believe lizard men control the Illuminati who, in turn, control everything else.


Dan Eastwood said…
That's because Zuckerberg is the Lizard Emperor.
Bodhipaksa said…
Twice recently I've shared articles about meditation to one of my fan pages and Facebook deleted them, saying that they contained "objectionable content." So far they haven't explained why. I'm glad they have their priorities straight.
Yaser Farid said…
Conspiracy is what any government claims for anything that they might not like.

Banning conspiracy is banning freedom of thought, maybe these things are crazy most of them but some of these so called conspiracies are backed by proof like assassination of JFK or American government knowing what was going to happen on the day Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor or about 9/11.

Yeah these might not be 100% truth but there are unexplained elements in these so called conspiracies, so it’s a good move by Facebook not to ban these.
Adam Black said…
Yaser Farid Read again:

"Facebook is drawing fire for a post defending its decision not to ban InfoWars and other entities that repeatedly post debunked conspiracy theories.

Why it matters: Facebook has promised to boost the information quality on its social network."

if you want to stop fake news, stopping Professional libellous Bad Actors is a good start.
Yaser Farid said…
Adam Black I do not agree with InfoWars and I hate Alex Jones, I think he's nuts.

But who decides what is fake news? President Trump or you or me?

Let people decide what is real and what is fake based on their internal understanding of things, Atheist claim there is no God, theist claim there is and certain people in the past have seen the God, that is their freaking problem.

You can't ban religion, you can't ban creationism, yes it shouldn't be taught in school as if it's illogical, but facebook is a community website, do you think a sane person would agree with Alex Jones? If the person doesn't already believe what Alex Jones say he wouldn't agree with him because he isn't very convincing person.

I think everyone should have a right to voice their opinions on a public forum, good or bad, right or wrong (according to you or other person).
Adam Black said…
Yaser Farid You are changing the topic. I said Proven bad actors. Its about People who keep spreading Proven lies. Its about Alex Jones in particular .

Let people decide what is real and what is fake based on their internal understanding of things,

Like The GUy who shot up Comet Pizza after Alex Jones spread dangerous lies?

If someone at your house keep pissing in the punch , do you say "Let the people decide if there is Piss in the Punch" or do you kick them out!

we arent talking about God. We are talking about which have been Objectively proven. Its an Objective Fact there is no Basement to comet Pizza .

Its an Objective fact that children were Murdered At Newtone CT.

If Alex Jones keep using facebook to libel and harass parents of Dead children , sending thousands of Lunatics to harass them, you ban him.

Just because you arent personally bearing this cost doesnt mean other people arent.

NO Facebook isnt a "Public forum". Its a Private Network with paid prioritization.

Somehow I think If you had tens of thousands of Alex Jones followers threatening you over lies he told, you would feel differently.
Yaser Farid said…
Adam Black How would anyone decide and who gave them the right to decide what is Fake news, it's not possible.

There are millions of people in American who still support Trump when he says Fake News and any logical person would know and understand that Fox News is lying about everything, but still people believe them, point is are you going to close them too?

Who gave me, you or anyone the right to stop them?

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It's their right to say whatever they like, no matter how much I don't like it I do not have right to take right of others, it's their right to have free speech, you stop that and tomorrow when they get a chance they will stop you.
Bodhipaksa said…
The first amendment is about government not having the right to abridge freedom of expression, Yaser Farid. Facebook is not the government. They have a right (and in some cases a duty) to regulate speech on their platform.

As for it being "not possible," to decide what is fake news, that's nonsense. You're saying that it's not possible to determine if a news story has been invented or is inaccurate? You're saying it's not possible to determine whether anything is true or not?
Yaser Farid said…
Bodhipaksa It doesn't say Right to express in government areas...

Right to express and speech is anywhere, unless it's notified that in this area you're not allowed to talk, like a library, but then it means everyone should shut up not only Supporters of Trump and Alex Jones.

Trump is president of United States for now almost 2 years, everyone knows he was wrong and he did many wrong things, he still does stupid stuff, but watch Fox news they will show you he didn't do anything wrong and all the new outlets are fake news.

Proving is not between you and me, it's you against all the people who believe in the alternative facts... So you and me aren't the truth holder, we have to take our stance to the court and prove it, you want facebook to act like a judge allowing your views to be published and other's views to be removed?

That is actually stopping people from free speech.
Bodhipaksa said…
"*Congress shall make no law* respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Sorry, Yaser Farid. You can try to create alternative "facts" about the First Amendment but that doesn't make them correct. Ironic, eh?
Yaser Farid said…
Bodhipaksa Is facebook owned by you or me?

Is not your property and it's not government's property so what facebook does is it's own business.

Government isn't allowed to stop it, so are you worried that facebook is doing something you don't like? Great if that is the case, you can't force them, it's public forum and a private website.

So congress or government isn't going to help you with it, you want to boycott facebook, that is purely your choice, but everyone has a right to say what they like and if facebook doesn't want to remove it from their website or ban particular things you don't like or those things that offend you then it is not facebook's problem neither is it government's problem, it's your problem.

I am for free speech, everyone has right to say whatever they like as long as it doesn't threaten another person's security.
Bodhipaksa said…
"Is not your property and it's not government's property so what facebook does is it's own business."

And we have the free speech right to disagree with Facebook, correct? Especially since it affects us and society as a whole.

Facebook in fact has a policy of clamping down on Fake News. All that's happening is that a number of us are pointing out that they are inconsistent with their policy.
Yaser Farid said…
Bodhipaksa To that I agree.
Bodhipaksa said…
From the article on Hannah Arendt that Jason ON shared: “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (ie the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (ie the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
Adam Black said…
Yaser Farid FIne, Challenge accepted.

How would anyone decide and who gave them the right to decide what is Fake news, it's not possible

You are only saying this because you are a secretly an 8 foot One-eyed, One- horned Purple People Eater. Only a Filthy baby eater would claim we couldnt distinguish.

Now, According to your own words

You "cant decide" you are not a secret an 8 foot One-eyed, One- horned , Baby eating Purple People Eater.

Now, According to your own stated Logic "who gave them the right to decide what is Fake news "

You dont even have the right to decide this isnt True, because no one gave you permission. Tough Break You filthy Monster.

According to _your own stated Logic "its Literally Not possible" for someone to have even given you the right to decide whats true.

Ergo according to your own words, you MUST BE a secret a 8 foot One-eyed, One- horned , Baby eating Purple People Eater.

Now Turn yourself into ICE for processing immediately. You are clearly a dangerous illegal alien looking to eat as many babies as you can.

Yaser Farid said…
Adam Black You can claim what you like this is what the world does, this is when I said, people claim God exists without proof no one can stop them.

People voted for Donald Trump, no one can stop them.

You cannot stop what people want to believe, more you try to stop them more they will take it as threat to their freedom of speech.

This is why I agreed with Bodhipaksa that we have the same right to talk against what Facebook is doing, totally but Facebook has right to do whatever they like because if they block anyone from any side it's a problem.

BTW I don't live in your shit hole country.
Adam Black said…
Yaser Farid I dont care what country you live in,
You are a useless excuse for a...

so you can take your sea-lion bullshit and exist the planet

This is you
wondermark.com - #1406; The Nominal Cat
Yaser Farid said…
Adam Black Yes and facts are facts, don't act like a fanatic liberal, liberals aren't supposed to be fanatics.

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