Im reading this, the whole time thinking my roommate (who's engaged) isn't going to find her happily ever after with...

Im reading this, the whole time thinking my roommate (who's engaged) isn't going to find her happily ever after with this guy.

On another day I'll go through this one-by-one and explain.

Originally shared by Hayo Jongbloed

Good points listed here! True and valuable information.


Keith Keber said…
I found myself in total agreement with the guys who had been married for the longest time. Been married twenty-five years this September. But we have really been good friends for five years before we got married. It was uncanny to both of us how much we shared in common and how the things that isolated us in life joined us together as friends and partners. It was almost like we were already related (or at least joined at the hip) long before we knew each other.

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