Everyone should read this post and the comments.

Everyone should read this post and the comments.


Originally shared by Amanda Rachelle Warren

Black Lung Disease (aka Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis which I learned to spell in third grade) is on the rise in coal miners, which means a rise in benefits paid (workman's comp, insurance costs, and disability income).

SO, what does the state of KY do to combat the costs of this rising health concern? Do they start making coal companies adhere to tighter regulations that reduce exposure to high-levels of coal dust? Do they make coal companies pay more taxes and more into their own benefits system to offset the rise in disabling illness? OR, OR, do they make it harder to get diagnosed therefore keeping miners from their benefits and care? It's the last one.

FUCK COAL COMPANIES! FUCK THE POLITICIANS IN THEIR POCKETS! And thank you advocacy groups fighting for the health and well being of Appalachians.



su ann lim said…
This is outrageous!
Robert Martin said…
The state is creating a bottleneck.
Jason ON said…
But there's hope in the form of Medicare for all as even a Koch Bros. funded program says it will less expensive over all which, ironically, is what ObamaCare was suppose to do.
thehill.com - Sanders thanks Koch brothers for accidentally making argument for 'Medicare for all'

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