This is literally the dumbest thing I've seen all day.

This is literally the dumbest thing I've seen all day.


Bob Lai said…
::: headdesk :::
John Hardy said…
You might have missed the satire bit. You can be sure any money raised will go to a left wing cause.
Jason ON said…
John Hardy it's Business Insider, they're not known for their satire.
John Hardy said…
They are reporting on it but they are clueless. @byyourlogic is Felix Biederman of Chapo Traphouse which is a left wing commentry and satire podcast.

It would have taken business insider two seconds to work that out but they chose not to mention it.
Jason ON said…
Who the F is @ByYourLogic and what does he have to do with this story?
John Hardy said…
Read the tweets in the article that you linked.

Also calm the F down.
Jason ON said…
John Hardy I am calmed the F down. You're bringing in information not in evidence.

Show me where, and take your time, where any tweet, other than the one credited to an unnamed woman, is part of the BI article I posted.
John Hardy said…
This tweet started it off - FaZeObama on Twitter it's the first tweet in your linked article.
Jason ON said…
So weird. The browser I was using, Firefox Focus, didn't show any embedded tweets in this article. I had to open it in Chrome to see that.
John Hardy said…
Jason ON maybe a security feature of Firefox? They are much more restrictive / protective of your privacy than Chrome is.

Anyway I can recommend Chapo Traphouse as a good podcast even though Biederman often says the exact opposite of what he means.

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