Great article, if you have a few minutes.

Great article, if you have a few minutes.

Of note, this quote:

_“We have a Constitution founded on the principles of God, and a lot of them, the illegals, they don’t have that where they’re from and so they can bring in their beliefs. That’s what waters down what this country was founded on,” said Weaver, a tiler at an RV plant.

“A lot of people say Jesus, he loved illegals and he didn’t have borders when he was on this earth. But, hey, it’s a different world.”_

The stupidity in this one statement is astounding.

[1] No, the USA was not founded on Biblical, or Christian, principles.
[2] The "illegals" have the same beliefs. A vast majority of them are Catholic or some form of christian denomination. Aside from excellent food, music and bright colors, the "illegals" aren't bringing in anything that's not already here.
[3] Jesus (the character in the book, anyway) did have a lot to say about immigrants. All of them contradict Republican/Right talking points.
[4] If it's a different world now, then why cling to your 2,000 year old religion like it's going to save you from a modern world?

Originally shared by The Associated Press

“That’s just not who we are.”


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