Just walked into a room where four people, three women and a man, are sitting at a table discussing how all doctors...

Just walked into a room where four people, three women and a man, are sitting at a table discussing how all doctors are quacks, how they're not interested in curing illnesses and how homeopathy is better for you than a medical doctor.

Some key statements:

[1] no one ever died from cancer, they only die from chemo.
[2] medical doctors need to look into alternative medicines as opposed to (scientifically proven) what they're doing now.
[3] chemo was designed with mustard gas after WWI.

Not my discussion and while I agree we need to broaden our horizons in regards to treatments (ie: marijuana as pain relief) to trust a homeopathic caregiver over an educated practicing doctor?

I was just dumbfounded.

One woman has a Master's Degree.
One woman is a retired Marine officer.
One has a great career (associates degree)
and the man has ... a high school diploma.

I really wish I'd had my phone up there so I could record a snippet of their discussion.


Ariel Batista said…
I fully understand were you are coming from. And I agree with you.
Michael Casey said…
My coworker has a nasty skin condition that waxes and wains in severity. He started going to a homeopath. Over the last two months I have been independently tracking his flair ups, where as he insists that it is better, by my numbers it is exactly the same. He is blatantly ignoring all the misses and focusing on the hits.

I also met some people who were no shit aids denialists...like, that's a thing. It just explodes my brain.
Jason Horton said…
Let’s hope they don’t get ill and need actual medicine.
Just ask Steve Jobs how well his alternative treatment of pancreatic cancer worked...
Sibyl L said…
One of the smartest people I know argues with me incessantly about homeopathy. I call BS, he just goes on about the flaws of "allopathic" medicine. Scientific progress goes "boink" against marble head, I guess.

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