The United Nations gave #DonaldTrump a giant FU by voting against the President's decision to move the American...

The United Nations gave #DonaldTrump a giant FU by voting against the President's decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem.


Roberto Bayardo said…
Apparently "the art of the deal" involves making all your long time allies hate you.
Ariel Batista said…
United nations is wrong here.
Jason ON said…
How so, Ariel Batista? By upholding decades of policy? By choosing a path that promotes peace, not conflict?

You have to remember, Donald Trump is an idiot who hasn't learned the first thing about political history or diplomacy. His platform seems to be "if I want to do it, I'll do it." And that's fine, but it also shows his ignorance and ineptitude. He's dragging the #GOP down further than we ever thought they could go. He's also removed our standing in the world. Where once other nations looked the US for guidance, they now laugh at our emperor with no clothes who throws tantrums like a baby who isn't getting enough attention.
Ariel Batista said…
Jason ON​ you are wrong. The U.N. is and has always been against the USA. We now may have a great president that might just do the right thing and kick them all out of our land. They are all crooks, thugs and need to be driven out.
Scott Jordan said…
Ariel Batista If someone stole my land and bull-dosed my family's home, I would probably become a "thug" too. I couldn't imagine how much anger and hate that would create. What Israel has done is illegal and immoral.
Dick Morgan said…
Canada had better hold back on this one, or we will deport the Quaids, back to Montreal.

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