For those of us paying attention we already know the #GOP will stick by #DonaldTrump regardless of what happens.

For those of us paying attention we already know the #GOP will stick by #DonaldTrump regardless of what happens. A self-proclaimed Rich white racist who is barely able to put a sentence together is exactly what Republicans want. The party of the #moralmajority is only moral when there's nothing else to attack a Democrat on.

It’s grown harder because the last six months have demonstrated that GOP voters will stick with Trump despite his lunacy, and punish those Republican politicians who do not.

Originally shared by The Atlantic

The Odds of Impeachment Are Dropping


Terence Reale said…
This is gaslighting. The odds of impeachment are dependant on the engagement of the people. The ability of people to ignore the affects of this regime are evaporating, come january or february when cell and internet fees may likely increase with the abolishment of net neutrality, many people will finally see things concretely.... and begin to act.
Jason ON said…
If the last two years have proven anything it's that the modern Right doesn't care about anything other than the power to push their agenda regardless of what devils they have to partner with to do so.
Bette Kauffman said…
Terence Reale, a lot of people are already acting. And have been, consistently, since the election. And it has had some effect, but it has not in any way affected the hearts and minds of GOP leadership and diehard Trump voters. This article might be a bit pessimistic, but I have thought for several months that those who think the next announcement by Mueller will surely start the impeachment ball rolling are overly optimistic. Until the balance of power changes in the legislature, I do not believe impeachment will happen. And, frankly, where I live--the ultra-conservative bible belt--the rank and file don't give a rat's ass about net neutrality.
Terence Reale said…
Bette Kauffman When they can't get their porn, or amazon because thye can't afford the service, they will.
Bisbo Nian said…
"The people" don't impeach...Congress does, and Congress has demonstrated that they are not listening.
Terence Reale said…
Bisbo Nian Well when the streets are filled, they will listen. The center will not hold. This is the last year when we will be able to act. I think the powers that be have over played their hand. There's a "mule" they haven't factored in to their plans.
Bette Kauffman said…
Terence Reale, I doubt very much my neighbors use either amazon or porn. Don't believe the stereotype that all conservative, bible-belt types are secret porn users.
Terence Reale said…
Bette Kauffman Bette Kauffman your neighbors perhaps, but usage statistics (numbers) do not lie. The highest usage is ALWAYS in the most conservative parts of the country. ALWAYS. So, while you neighbors may not be in those numbers, a whole heaping lot of others are.
Bette Kauffman said…
I almost agree, Terence Reale! Yes, I agree that numbers, data do in fact reveal things, but they always must be evaluated, interpreted, put in context, etc., and they can certainly be used to lie. Not accusing you of lying at all! Just saying that kind of blanket statement about numbers--like blanket statements about most things--raises red flags.
Terence Reale said…
Bette Kauffman The evaluation and interpretation line is standard for people who do not want to accept the reality of what numbers mean. Sorry. You will not get it. You attempt to apologize for "calling me a liar" also is pretty standard, and I am in no way surprised. I accept reality. I have no guilt of shame or agenda, there is not need to interpret, just accept reality. Let's call it a draw on that, I'd rather not even continue this line of discussion. I would ask you though to consider, if you are a religious person, what it must be like for a person who isn't a believer in a deity to live in a world so dominated by the influence of fundamentalism particularly that basic facts of reality can be called out as "needing" interpretation rather than accepted, while at the same time non believers are supposed to accept your belief systems tenets on "faith". So, you should accept there really is no dissuading me, because it is an egoless position that I defend, it has nothing to do with what I interpret, and that prevents meaningful dialogue between us in actuality.

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