But as aides persisted, Trump became agitated.

But as aides persisted, Trump became agitated. He railed that the intelligence couldn’t be trusted and scoffed at the suggestion that his candidacy had been propelled by forces other than his own strategy, message and charisma.

Could it be #DonaldTrump doesn't want to admit Russian meddling, not because he's Putin's hired hand, but because his own ego won't allow him to accept he won the presidency with any help?

In #TrumpNation lies are the new truths.


Jack Carlson said…
Yes, I suspect that's 99% of why he can't leave the election and Clinton behind. It's a reaffirmation of his egotistic narcissism, his belief he got to where he is by his own efforts. He can't even acknowledge the loan his dad started him out with because it might suggest he needed it. His whole life is a lie founded on an imaginary self-image.
Roberto Bayardo said…
It does seem he's mostly a useful idiot of Putin's. Perhaps not directly complicit in collusion, even though much of his former and current staff evidently is. By ignoring anything on the topic of Russia and leaving it up to his staff, he's trying to keep himself clean. "I couldn't do anything about Russian interference because nobody informed me about it!" People who understand Trump is a con man underestimate just how skilled at it he is. They don't call him Teflon Don for nothing. (Though personally I prefer Dotard Don.)
Jason ON said…
George Bush (II) was the first president with the moniker "Teflon" attached, I believe. Not that #DonaldTrump doesn't deserve it, but Bush was first as aides, assistants and Cheney all spent the better part of their careers making sure nothing dirty touched the desk of GWB.

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