Climate denier in Chief, #DonaldTrump, signed a bill into law acknowledging global warming not only exists but is...

Climate denier in Chief, #DonaldTrump, signed a bill into law acknowledging global warming not only exists but is dangerous to the Unites States' military.

So, does #DonaldTrump just sign bills without knowing what's in them and did he just screw his anti-global warming court cases by creating a law that admits climate change is real?

Originally shared by David Brin

Want cognitive dissonance? “The National Defense Authorization Act signed by U.S. president Donald Trump this week contains a significant amount of discussion about climate change, going so far as to call it a “direct threat to the national security of the United States.”

We’ve know this for years. The US military is a fact-centered profession, and thus unable to screech denialist incantations, while the Russians build 12 new major naval and marine bases on the Arctic Ocean. Of course, this is one reason why the War on Science and All Fact-using Professions has now expanded to include the FBI, Intel Agencies and the US military officer corpse… now denounced by confederate loonies as “deep state” traitors.


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