I grew up with cops in my family.

I grew up with cops in my family. I still have cops in my family. I've had friends that were cops. I've even known a few acquaintances who were cops. I won't say most of them "were good people" or otherwise try to downplay police assassinations of citizens, but I will say the police have a problem. And if one of their blue brothers commits a heinous act it reflects on all of them. This should drive them to be self regulating, but for some reason they spend far more time circling the wagons than ousting bad cops. And it's a damn shame.

I know why they have not released it. It’s not bloody. It’s the most chilling, horrific thing you’ve seen in your life. This kid was begging for his life. He raised his hands, did everything the cops told him to do. And then they just executed him.

Originally shared by The Atlantic

A Police Killing Without a Hint of Racism https://trib.al/pjbx2Tn


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