Maria Stepanov Sommerfield is supporting Russia against the Olympic Committee even though there are allegations made...

Maria Stepanov Sommerfield is supporting Russia against the Olympic Committee even though there are allegations made of widespread doping and cheating condoned by the Russian Olympic Committee.

Okay, whatever. But when I asked her if she was really standing on Russia's side of this (yes, allegations aren't fact, but they don't just ban members on a whim) she replied and then shut down comments to prevent any further discussion.

What really bothers me is that action: getting a last word in then shutting down any attempts to have a discussion as though one person's word is sacrosanct and cannot be trifled with. Look, I don't care who supports whom (even though Russian athletes are still allowed to compete in the 2018 games, it's just the Russian Olympic Committee and national anthem that are banned), but to shut down discussion like that?

Sorry, it just annoys me.

Originally shared by Maria Stepanov Sommerfield

In solidarty with Russians around the world today. #NoRussiaNoGame


I am sorry I upset you Jason. I do support the Russian team.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Good riddance to the Russian cheaters/dopers. It's a shame their unethical coaches and leadership made it come to this. They probably thought Trump would give them a pass.
James Graves said…
To bad the Russians fucked themselves..would have loved to see them play ice hockey...
Jason ON said…
Maria Stepanov Sommerfield only in the fact that you annoyed me.

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