What happens when neoNazis and KKK members find out their genes aren't as pure as they'd like?

What happens when neoNazis and KKK members find out their genes aren't as pure as they'd like?


What were these idiots expecting? Here's an interesting article with differences between humans and other living things on this planet.

We're 99.9% similar to other humans.
96% similar to chimps
90% similar to a cat
85% similar to a mouse
80% similar to a cow
61% similar to a fruit fly
60% similar to a chicken
yup, that's right, we look more like a fruit fly than a KFC
and last but not least
60% similar to a banana, ok, maybe these folks are like 98% similar to a banana, but they're more the exception than the norm.

businessinsider.com - Our DNA is 99.9% the same as the person sitting next to us — and we're surprisingly similar to a bunch of other living things

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