We all kind of suspected #DonaldTrump would pardon former Sheriff Arpaio when the White House specifically stated be...

We all kind of suspected #DonaldTrump would pardon former Sheriff Arpaio when the White House specifically stated be wouldn't.



su ann lim said…
The #OrangeEmperor publicly declares himself the champion of #whitesumpremacy by this act.
Jason ON said…
Is there worse to come? Trump is still learning the scope of the power vested in the Executive Branch and if he's signaling to others that he will protect them if they protect him, he is tearing down yet another protection of free and open government and dragging the USA down the road towards banana republic.
thehill.com - Former ethics director: Trump's Arpaio pardon a sign of 'worse to come'
Jason ON said…
Even people within his own party aren't happy with this move by President Trump.
thehill.com - GOP rep: Trump pardoned someone 'who ignored Bill of Rights'

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