The author of this article incorrectly equates religion with christianity.

The author of this article incorrectly equates religion with christianity. People are leaving cristianity in droves, but other religions, religions like Wicca and Buddhism, are actually increasing their base. People aren't losing faith in religion, people are losing faith in corporate religious institutions.


Emlyn O'Regan said…
There's also the small matter that it's all bunk.
Jason ON said…
How so, Emlyn O'Regan​?
Even within Christianity itself, there was traditionally been a difference between older mainline denominations (which are decreasing) and some of the less mainline groups (which are increasing). Even my denomination (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) which politically tends conservative is declining, while the two fastest growing groups in 2008 were LDS and JW. - What Are The Fastest Growing Churches In The U.S. ?
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Jason ON​ well, you know, there's no $DEITY. It's all clearly stuff made up by people long ago for reasons that made sense to those people.
Jason ON said…
You mean this particular religion is all "bunk," not the argument made in the article. Got it, Emlyn O'Regan.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
I mean they're all bunk. Yes, sorry, not the article, just all the religions.
Jason Horton said…
Personally Osteen and his ilk don't put me off religion any more than I already am. What puts me off is that they are so clearly wrong.
Lars Fosdal said…
Faith is personal. Religion is politics. The problem isn't that people have faith - but that they are lead into following some kind of religious leadership that defines what is right and wrong on their behalf. Stop paying your way into with goods or deeds. Just do good things for the sake of being kind and helpful to your fellow citizens.

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