Do you believe #DonaldTrump is willing to quit?
Do you believe #DonaldTrump is willing to quit? Even if it's in exchange for immunity from the Mueller investigation into his dealings with Russia? Personally, I don't think he will. He ran on a platform of "winning" and being "the best" at everything. His ego won't allow him to quit because no matter what deal he negotiates he'll be forever viewed as the shortest term presidency ever with the lowest approval ratings and the most controversy. History will not be kind to him if he's a quitter and his legacy means everything.
OTOH he's not a reasonable man.
Are you really that stupid?
Ken is a dump sucker.
Just pure ignorant garbage.
Therefore, Donald Trump will run hard and fast in the opposite direction.
Dream On - Dumb asses!
Sources for your claims?
There's something called fact checking, dumb ass. - Donald Trump's Intelligence Quotient
You're misled and delusional. He is a moron, possibly a puppet of Vladimir RasPutin.
Don't bother replying troll.
Never fear, Ken Webster, won't believe it and will call it fake news because the wackados alt-Right who think #DonaldTrump is some sort of messiah, can't handle the truth. It makes their brains hurt: - Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia
Rasputin 😄
I don't see him quitting though. What would he do with his time? Play golf?
Roberto Bayardo something like that, you mean?