Was out walking Rufus when I struck up a conversation with a guy fishing with his son.

Was out walking Rufus when I struck up a conversation with a guy fishing with his son. After a while he asks, "Do you want a beer?" I can't really see what he's offering, but he was offering so I decided to take him up on his offer. He hands me a Natural Light. "Natty Light," he says, "I've been drinking it since I was a teenager.

I opened the can (can? What adult drinks canned beer? But, I digress) and take a sniff: it smelled like the barracks. Cheap beer on a Saturday night.

I do not miss those days. So, I'm home and washing my mouth out with a fairly decent bourbon and watching Archer.


Simon Vince said…
Beer stays colder, longer in a can if on ice. It's the only reason I can think to drink shitty beer.
Blake B said…
With so many options, why choose the inferior drink? This never made sense to me. Yuck.
Blake B said…
Someone paid for it.
Simon Vince said…
Free to Jason. It was only polite.
Jason ON said…
For the record, I had three of them (he kept offering) and a shot of Jagermeister because he also had that and really wanted to share. He tried to offer me more of both but I declined.
Brand faith! Also the fact he probably knows exactly how many cans of Naty Light to get a buzz.
Curtis Edenfield Is "not nearly enough for me to continue?" a valid answer?? :)
Jason ON said…
Crappy beer, Jager and bourbon ... one would think I'd hurt more today.
Jason ON said…
Jeff Chapman, que?
Jeff Chapman said…
Oh, aren't we doing phrasing anymore...my bad. Couldn't not use phrasing when someone mentions Archer. Surely someone responded with something for which it applies...it always applies.
Jason ON said…
Oh, now I get it!

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