So the new #StarWars trailer just hit and racist misogynistic twitterverse went ballistic.

So the new #StarWars trailer just hit and racist misogynistic twitterverse went ballistic.

Don't click this if you have a soul:  

Made me think of this:

Originally shared by Martin Mendoza

Yeah, the boycott movement is kinda stupid. Why can't a black man join the empire or lead a rebellion?


BennyOcean said…
People are so full of shit these days.
im finding it hard to filter the satyre from the stupid...
A. Luoma said…
I'm still upset about the small green dude hobbling around in the earlier SW flicks. Green!
Elizabeth Hahn said…

Jason ON said…
Exactly, Johnny Wishbonn. Who cares what color a character is as long as the acting is good and the story is entertaining? Oh yeah, racists, that's who.
Johnny Wishbonn They could also be upset that the new white protagonist Jedi is a woman and not a man...
David Gross said…
In the last film there was a Rasta man.. nobody complained. - Jar Jar Binks
Jason ON said…
I guess there's an "article" going around now that liberals were duped by a Twitter troll into believing that this is all fake.
David Gross said…
that the boycott was fake?
BennyOcean said…
Jason ON I was thinking it might be fake. Nowdays there is so much fake news that it's hard to tell. People start hashtags and other random bullshit just to stir shit up.

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