It shouldn't matter that an ex-Marine is affected by the state's decision to close DMV's in it's poorest communities.
It shouldn't matter that an ex-Marine is affected by the state's decision to close DMV's in it's poorest communities. It should matter that Alabama is doing everything it can to prevent, or at the very least, dissuade, black voters from being able to vote in their state.
It's very simple: make something mandatory then make meeting that obligation impossible. Its an unfair burden on people - not even just the poorest people, but people in general.
Originally shared by Raw Story
LISTEN: Alabama Repub goes on callous rant against black ex-Marine affected by DMV closures
It's very simple: make something mandatory then make meeting that obligation impossible. Its an unfair burden on people - not even just the poorest people, but people in general.
Originally shared by Raw Story
LISTEN: Alabama Repub goes on callous rant against black ex-Marine affected by DMV closures