I actually did get around to editing some pictures the other day for the first time in a long time.

I actually did get around to editing some pictures the other day for the first time in a long time. Sadly, someone on the internet was wrong, so I didn't get a chance to work on more than a handful of photos in between correcting said person.

So, here's one. It seems little dark to me. Maybe I shouldn't edit at 6AM after just a couple of hours of sleep. #zombie


Dave Maez said…
Good photo. Good makeup. And fuck people who are wrong on the internet.
Melissa Beagle said…
Jason ON cool shot! 

Swimming upriver against the trolls there man, but power to you. ;)
Jason ON said…
Melissa Beagle​, I think Howard Weitzel​ has a very similar one from the Zombie Crawl. He was shooting right over my shoulder.
Elizabeth Hahn said…
I thought zombies are supposed to be dark!
Jason ON said…
Not dark essence, but dark "brightness."
Elizabeth Hahn said…
I was trying to be funny.... I failed... :)
Jason ON said…
I thought you just confused what I meant by "dark."  :)
Nolan L said…
Killer Klowns From Outer Space

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