I think I shared this law suit when I first read about it, but I can't really remember.

I think I shared this law suit when I first read about it, but I can't really remember. Regardless, this lady sued her 8 year old nephew for being 8 years old. Yeah, you read that right: she sued her 8 year old nephew.

Let's be fair, the nephew, in his excitement to see his aunt, ran up to hug her and knocked her over causing her to break her hand. "Such is life," one might say. But no, this woman decided to sue an 8 year old. She probably thought it was easy money, that the homeowner's insurance would pay out. Instead, she created a rift in her family and will hopefully be a local laughing stock. Because she sued an 8 year old. 


Julie Hayward said…
Wow. Just ...... ....... wow. (Shaking head)
Her insurance company required her to do or they would not cover the health care for the injury
Julie Hayward said…
<<< shakes her head even more
Jason ON said…
I've never, in my life, heard of an insurance company requiring someone to sue in order to provide coverage. Get a police report? Yes. Sue? No. Do you have details on that, CathiBea Stevenson?
Jason ON said…

As I said in my original post, she thought the insurance would pay out. Looks like I was right, but wrong. She sued her nephew to force the homeowner's insurance to pay her medical bills.

That seems odd to me. Isn't that why you have insurance in the first place, to cover accidents like this? I don't know Connecticut liability law very well, so I have to ask: is it this common to have to sue your relative in order to have their insurance pay out your injury?
Dana Bryant said…
Pretty damn ridiculous; furthermore that ENTIRE detail is conveniently left out when the media jumps on it and makes it national news... this is aunt is now smeared/dubbed as the worst woman(aunt) in the world.... INSURANCE is the demon here....

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