I really have nothing to add to this except Canon and Nikon shooters are always complaining about how heavy their...
I really have nothing to add to this except Canon and Nikon shooters are always complaining about how heavy their lenses are. ;)
Originally shared by Sean Cowen
The Good 'Ol Days When We Used Real Cameras!
Kids today just don't know how good they have it. They take a million pictures and selfies on their phones, not knowing what we used to have to lug around!
They're spoiled, and never went through the pain of hauling around a 60 lb. camera like we did. And we did it in the snow, um, walking to school 10 miles each way. With holes in our hand-me-down boots! We worked at taking our pictures, and then developing them... grin
#humor #giantcamera #camera #oldschool
Kodak K-24 camera with Aero-Ektar f2.5, 178 mm, 5x5 lens