Oh, come on T-Mobile​!

Oh, come on T-Mobile​! This was outside while walking through a park, for crying out loud. I almost expect you not to work in my home these days, but outside in a park less than half a mile from where a 6 lane road meets a 4 lane road?


T-Mobile said…
We can do better than that, Jason ON ! Let's take a closer look at what may be causing this experience. The fastest way to contact us directly is by sending us a quick PM on Facebook or mentioning us on Twitter using @TMobileHelp. We will respond as quickly as we can! - Janna
Jason ON said…
Obviously, when I was out an about, I couldn't send a Twitter and I don't use FB. ;)
Jason ON said…
I couldn't call 911 once. Finally had to use a VoIP app which, thanks to CenturyLink, was a horrible connection .
Jason ON said…
Johnny Wishbonn​, Yeah, I'm fairly certain it's not the phone at this point in time. My particular phone doesn't carry all the bands T-Mobile​ runs, but 7/10 times it works and usually in this same area. It's just that recently there've been a number of days where I've had nothing but spotty coverage.
Jason ON said…
Maybe it was my phone. Drove 30 miles and still couldn't connect. Rebooted the device and everything's working fine.
Jason ON said…
Nah, Verizon sucks.
Luigi Buscemi said…
beg to differ.. they have the best coverage for what i need, which is everywhere. they are the only ones that have coverage in the high country..
Jason ON said…
But the headache of talking to VZ is giant in comparison to its coverage map.

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