You know that feeling when you're taking a drink and miss your mouth, spilling dribble down your chin and onto your...

You know that feeling when you're taking a drink and miss your mouth, spilling dribble down your chin and onto your shirt so you quickly try to brush it away only to spill the rest of your drink down your shirt?

I do.

Image not related.


Lily Alice said…
I just did that about ten minutes ago, only not the spilling the rest of it part. I felt so silly.
Jason ON said…
Luckily there wasn't a lot left in the cup, but yeah, I felt a little like someone should have been holding my hand and helping me along.
carol jean said…
Those darn error messsges. I don't know why we keep getting them. If it doesn't stop I might lose my hair, or bash the screen in. Dainty me. 🌌

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