Were you one of the millions of people who gave money to the Red Cross after the earthquake hit Haiti?

Were you one of the millions of people who gave money to the Red Cross after the earthquake hit Haiti? Turns out, contrary to what the Red Cross is telling the public and donors, they've terribly mismanaged the funds and failed in almost every goal they set themselves.

Heck, according to this article, they didn't even get close. Like many organizations it appears as though the head didn't know what the body was doing and both didn't seem to have the Haitian's best interests in mind with fraud, waste and padding subsidiary Red Cross groups being the focus of their spending.


Barry Shankman said…
Who is receiving the funding after they use a stipends to give to the community?
Jason ON said…
Did you even read the article, Barry Shankman​?
Barry Shankman said…
Jason ON​​​ I read the article I just found it so political that it was not as clear as if they had internal problems that was causing them a lack of ability to deal with the external red tape...being the optimist I am I had hopes that the Red Cross ran on opposite numbers where they gave 75-80%
& the salaries and running cost was no greater than 20%...barry
Barry Shankman said…
Jason ON it appears that in several charitable organizations that of the 100% only 5-10% goes to the cause and the rest goes to salaries an running cost that are much exaggerated at the same time they are dealing with internal
Payoffs to Haiti.. being an optimist I had hoped that the Red Cross was a worthy cause and it's running cost was opposite of the reality..b
Jason ON said…
Well, if you read the article, it states pretty clearly that they did run into some red tape, most of it from not knowing how to work with the Haitians, which one would expect of an international aid association. Per the article, other agencies and NGOs were able to work with the Haitians to rebuild or build, just fine.

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