There seems to be some sort of confusion going on here so I'm posting this to clear it up.

There seems to be some sort of confusion going on here so I'm posting this to clear it up.

First off, thanks to all who have entered the Profile contest, it's really appreciated and just goes to show how vibrant and active our community has become.

That being said, I'm noticing a lot - and I mean a lot - of entries that are nothing more than photos with the #MRProfile1002  hashtag. Perhaps I wasn't clear on the original post or perhaps some of you just assumed the Community's guiding rules were suspended for the duration of the contest, but I assure you they were not.

Our rule about introducing your content to the rest of the Community is still in effect. That means you need to write something telling us about your photo/video/blog post, etc. See here: About halfway down, in bold print, even. 

So far I've been going through and leaving comments one-by-one on each person's entry photo and I have to say, with the number of the posts I'm seeing breaking the rules, it's become somewhat cumbersome.

So, I'm going to let this post sit here as a reminder for a couple of days giving everyone who's guilty of not providing an introduction to their content and chance to edit their posts. Those that don't will get deleted. Just yesterday I deleted a member from this Community for repeatedly posting without an introduction no matter how many times I asked him otherwise. Or her, the name could have gone either way and the profile picture was helmeted. After doing so, I'm fairly certain a couple of gray hairs went away, so I'm all exited about wielding the banhammer now. It doesn't sparkle like Thor's hammer, but it's no less fun.

We don't have a lot of rules in the Community compared to others (I just left a different community yesterday for their overbearing rules) but I would like to see the few we do have followed.


Edited to add: let me be more clear, the individual posts will be deleted, not the member.


Jim Nichols said…
So.... you are the owner? Winks....
Jason ON said…
Occasionally. Sometimes I'm just the whipping boy.
Jim Nichols said…
Jason ON lol. Damn...
Jason ON could you please explain what the picture is supposed to be of and perhaps I will enter...sorry, missed it all.  I am rarely on and when I am I only have time for a post...I will be on the road and perhaps some great pictures out of it>   also when is the deadline.  Thanks I am sure you are just going to repeat...but i am not finding the info so easily.  thanks. LA
Jason ON said…
Hi Laura England​​. The appropriate post that explains the contest is pinned at the top of the community.

In short, it's a contest to choose the new community profile picture for the next quarter. Full rules can be found by going to the top post in the community or by clicking this:
Jason ON Lead custodian of this fine establishment...and exceeding expectations daily. :)
Kenneth Thompson, yes, I know ;)
Jim Nichols said…
Laura England kens reply was not directed at you.

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