Are you a terrorist?

Are you a terrorist?


Ryan said…
Atheist terrorize them , cuz the truth hurts .
Dusten Barker said…
I wanted to say something about me, atheism, and terrorist acts, but then I thought "NSA" and decided against it.
Darth Minty said…
The House of Saud are the worst terrorists outside of Israel & Washington DC
Ashwen Samuel said…
Deport such demented men to where they belong - 5 A.D.
Rick Sullivan said…
No, but I am willing to give it a try
There is a country in this world that gets terrified by logic and reasoning!!
Hasse Mephisto said…
39,962 potential terrorists to be beheaded.
Antonio Roji said…
Let's complain at the UN Council for Human Rights... Wait... Crap.
Darth Minty said…
Ashwen Samuel should round up everyone like him & put them on an isolated island with only 1st century technology & see how long it is before they beg to come back to the 21st. Evil stupidity such as what the acronym agencies prop up needs to be stopped.
dervish dee said…
Nope, I've never even been in trouble with the law.
Karan said…
Antonio Roji said…
JACK RAIDEN​ because the UN has always been a joke.
Ron Motomoto said…
We instill fear by daring the religious to backup and support their illogical religions, and by refusing to bowdown/conform to the ridiculous demands of the same. Who wouldn't afraid of an atheist?
Elijah La Rock said…
Well then, I shan't go to Saudi Arabia.
Michael Meyer said…
Just a small bit of the Islamic holy book the NOBLE QU'RAN
The Quran is the only 'revealed' book in existence whose followers believe that its contents are the 'words of Allah' to be obeyed totally, literally and for all time, without any change.
Research these translation do a search for the Surrah verses yourself. you will see this translation from every Islamic scholar

Surrah below
2: 190 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

2:191        And slay them wherever ye catch them and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you slay them.  Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

4:76        Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil: so fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

9: 5        But when the forbidden months are past then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.

       *** This is the first verse in the Quran inciting the followers of Muhammad to start a total war against ALL non believers in Allah AND in his messenger Muhammad***

9: 29        Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His apostle nor acknowledge the religion of truth (even if they are) of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.

9: 30        The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah.  That is a saying from their mouths; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say.  Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the truth!
Paolo Marc said…
He must have a metaphorical tiny penis of inferiority if he thinks atheists are threat to his closet of power and subversive ideology.

What a scared putz
Stanislav Svarc said…
Let's ask our governments to proclaim all saudi nationals as terrorists unless they publicly denounse islam?
Ded Jezter said…
Can we just use up all the oil already. As soon as the oil is gone no one will give a crap about Saudi Arabia and it will slip back into nothingness where it belongs.
Buy Gas Guzzlers... Lol
Logan Stinnett said…
this news is like 2 years old.
Paolo Marc said…
Still a current dickhead and nothing wrong with highlighting that..
Paulo Silva said…
meanwhile, in saudi arabia people are beheaded on the streets - which morals do these saudi arabia “governors”  have for saying that?
J.R. Bowles said…
Paraphrasing Sinclair Lewis, ""When fascism comes it will be wrapped in religion.*
We are all terrorists. Have a look at "Du bist Terrorist" ;-)
Mark P. said…
J.R. Bowles Saudi Arabia has been fascist for a long time.
Well if having atheist thoughts makes me a terrorist then fuck King Abdullah, I'm proud to be a terrorist for thinking.
Daniel Voisin said…
Says the regime lead by a royal family that rapes women and have gigantic parties in America. People who are likely technically atheists themselves otherwise they would fear hell enough to never think of doing these things.

Really wish there was a way to let the people there know what's going on and that atheists here are likely more their allies than anything else.
Paolo Marc said…
Another mans terrorist is another's freedom fighter... Sad to be fearful of free thought.

Gabriel Monsour said…
Good for Saudi Arabia leading the way on moral issues.
Paolo Marc said…
Perhaps putting the King of misogyny n death at the helm is an attempt by the majority that put him there to manipulate his opinion through the back door so to speak..
kjsippel said…
Unfortunately "terrorist" actually means something. You can't just label someone whom you disagree with as a terrorist and expect anyone to take you seriously...
Mark P. said…
kjsippel "Communist" actually means something too. That used to be a blanket insult for anyone whose politics you didn't like.

Still is for some people.
peter ketels said…
Meanwhile bankrolling salafist terrorists
Jeff Chapman said…
I hereby decree that all believers are terrorists...there...that made a huge impact, didn't it.
Paolo Marc said…
The baggers snout is in the set... NSA pfff couldn't catch a cold;)
kjsippel said…
Mark P.
I often hear people call other people "communist socialists". My follow up is usually, "ok, which one though?". Ahh, words...
Mihaila Marcel said…
Yeeee!!! Kill with rationality,and terror with logic
Michael Meyer said…
Ded Jezter
Unfortunately the truth seems to be Oil wells regenerate themselves from rock formation in the earths core. The notion that petroleum is abiotic (not related to living organisms) in origin has been accepted as scientific fact in the former Soviet Union for 50 years, yet Western science clings to the contradictory fossil fuel theory.
This is no idle academic debate.
If the Russians are right, oil regenerates deep within the Earth and there is no looming fuel shortage. (Russia, Scandinavia and Norweg)
drownoble said…
Wait, I'm a terrorist now? So, I run into churches and set off a logic bomb?

Guess I won't be vacationing in Saudi 😁
O8 ride said…
Seculophobia! Seculophobia! It must be outlawed or I will run amok with a Bunsen burner and microscope and cry victim until you acknowledge my right to believe that when all's said and done, your god is as useful as a glass eye.
Crap, they found out our scheme.
Joe Houskeeper said…
Well this just broadcasts how scared they are of reason, skepticism, and any ideas that might undermine their authority.
Ahmed Chicktay said…
He should know being a terrorist himself
Carlo Malonzo said…
The fallacy of generalization. Haha
Unnimol said…
And things just got dumber!
Nick James said…
Michael Meyer That regeneration story sounds like it originated as part of a Creationist fairly tale.  You go in for make-believe  geology?
Hasse Mephisto said…
This basically has nothing to do with Atheism. The King and his very large family are afraid that one day Islamic extreemism will take over the country in some revolution, like what happened in Iran.

They are simply introducing such laws in order to appeal to Islamists in their own country, so such a revolution can be prevented.

Meanwhile, they sit in their golden palaces, driving Ferrari's and Lambroghini's, rape their foreign maids, eat kaviar, and secretly drink alcohol behind closed doors.

Everyone knows that that is how it really is in Saudia Arabia.
I like to think I am, but in reality I'm more of an armchair terrorist.
Ryan Freeman​ There is no proof there is no God, therefore there are no atheists, only Agnostics.

Not to mention the fact the universe began to exist and it was discovered proves Genesis 1:1 was correct before the scientists were. Thus a proof to support belief in God! Thus, not a figurative thought but a realistic application.
Hasse Mephisto​ Just because that's how it is in America, doesn't mean it's like that in Saudi Arabia.
Daniel Voisin said…
Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN Was that an honest attempt or is this a satire profile trying to get laughs?
Van TheMan said…
Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN ...Thus this freaking argument again.

Atheism is not an outright claim that there is absolutely no god.

When I, and many others, speak of atheism, we refer to a tentative belief that there are no gods. This is subject to change pending new evidence.

The need for certainty is unnecessary, and unwarranted.

The creation account in genesis says the universe began. The creation account in the Bhagavid Gita says the universe began. The creation account in Norse mythology says the universe began. The creation account in most religions says the universe began. Does that mean that all religions had discovered this, that they are all right?

Ricky Ng-Adam said…
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia.
Michael Stiller said…
I am athiest, i am playing minecraft, i just made a red stone bomb. Hell yeah i am just about to blow up this village. I am shocked Saudi Arabia was aware.
I am perfectly willing to concede Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN​'s first point.
Which makes it all the weirder that point #2 is straight out of whackadooville...
They keep using that word, but I'm not sure they know what it means..
Keith Bowes said…
Says the regime that beheads people.
Daniel Voisin Asking if it was an honest attempt is a pretty dishonest excuse.
Veg Nik said…
I have no respect and much disdain for clerical fascist dictatorships. Down with the House of Saud!
Nathan Ryan said…
Apparently I'm woefully behind on my bomb making skills
Michael Meyer said…
Nick James I am not a creationist or islamist there all wack jobs. I am just someone who has worked the oil and gas industry. 
just because you were taught  oils is from dead dinosaurs and vegetation is an assumption not a truth. "fossil fuel" theory
A theory first floated by Russian scholar Mikhailo Lomonosov in 1757. 

Russian academics, led by Nikolai Kudryavtsev, suggested that hydrocarbons (from which oil derives) are generated deep within the Earth from inorganic materials.

The notion that petroleum is abiotic (not related to living organisms) in origin has been accepted as scientific fact Russian academics, led by Nikolai Kudryavtsev, suggested that hydrocarbons (from which oil derives) are generated deep within the Earth from inorganic materials.

some oil fields seem to be re-filling almost as fast as they are being drained. The Wall Street Journal reported the case of Eugene Island 330, an oil field in the Gulf of Mexico, which hit peak production of 15,000 bpd, slowing to 4,000 a day by 1989.
"Then suddenly -- some say almost inexplicably -- Eugene Island's fortunes reversed. The field... is now producing 13,000 bpd, and probable reserves have rocketed to more than 400 mm barrels from 60 mm. Stranger still, scientists studying the field say the crude coming out of the pipe is of a geological age quite different from the oil that gushed 10 years ago."

Scientists observing the phenomenon say the oil field was being topped up from below, through a complex system of fissures and geological faults. According to Dave McGowan of the Centre for an Informed America, this is not news to Russian and Ukrainian scientists, who have published hundreds of academic papers on the abiotic origins of oil.
Western scientists have attempted to leap the evidentiary gulf by claiming that oil can be both organic and abiotic in origin, but not according to J.F. Kenney, an American who studied with the Russians and replicated in a laboratory the chemical processes occurring within the Earth's upper mantle.
It appears the Saudis could never run out.
Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN atheism is simply the answer no to the claim that God exists.
Nothing more nothing less?
Jason ON said…

I don't know if these petitions do anything but on the premise they so, I suggest signing it
Mark P. said…
Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN
Don't you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself?
Scott Smith said…
Hello,Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN. Debating someone over their imaginary friend is silly, at best.
Enkian Warrior said…
Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN No one knows the answer to the great mystery and spirituality at best is but a sense of awe and wonder. And though I don't know what it is, I do know what its not and its not the sugar daddy in the sky theory of religion. Its not real estate in the Pearly Gates Subdivision if one loyally follows the tenants of a particular dogma. A rather depressing life style of kissing a war gods ass for eternity, surrounded by automatons desirous to place their lips on the divine hind quarters in the sky.
To believe such stupidities not only discredits our species, but discredits the ability to reason and the courage of the one hawking such nonsense.
Hell, I'm pushing 63 now with the shadow of death growing ever closer. And though I don't welcome the demise of my ego with brain death, I'm not running to the fraud of religion like a panicked little bitch. To do so would be premature brain death.
O8 ride said…
Hasse Mephisto has everything to do with atheism. Atheists are infidels to be slaughtered in the Koran, they don't get the chance to convert or pay jizya. The extreme wahabi sect is promoted around the world and protected by the Al Saud family. This is the start of Islam flexing its thought crime muscles and telling the rest of the world that a load of shit is on its way.
O8 ride said…
Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN double negatives cause a problem. What you meant to say is that there is no proof a god exists. Theism is belief in god. Atheism is lack of belief in god. Gnosticism is knowledge. Agnosticism is lack of knowledge. People are either agnostic theists or agnostic atheists by definition. Anything else and they would be prophets. I don't think you are able to debate while harboring such low levels of knowledge.

As for Genesis, its the equivalent of a red Indian camp fire story, certainly not knowledge given the ridiculously wrong claims it makes. And then the rest of the book continues with such ridiculous assertions.

I'm guessing you were brought up in a religious household and went to religious school in a religious state and all your family and friends are religious and none of you are able to understand how anyone can doubt the Bible. I suggest you actually read it and think about what it says
Hasse Mephisto said…
O8 ride Yeah but my point is... The Saudi royal family only cares to remain in power. For them religion is not the main motivator to act.

They only seem to act in order to please the religious in their country. For those ofcourse it does have to do with atheism.
O8 ride said…
I disagree. The royal family is the protecting benefactor of one of the most islamist factions of Islam and has been since they came to power and gained agreement from USA that it would never touch wahabbism if it wanted to continue receiving oil. Not only are they hand in glove, wahabbism is promoted throughout the world alongside deobandi through madrassas by the Royal family.
The man in the photo is Brian Cox the actor.
Daniel Voisin can't be serious with statements like that, any atheist would shoot that nonsense down.
Still waiting for a "debate" from Hey Atheists Debate Me IF you CAN​ TROLL....
Nick James said…
Michael Meyer Interesting, but not what my oil company lead geologist friend tells me, and not what my seismic research geology professor and department head tells me.  As he was one of the group that found the Chicxulub crater, I tend to believe him. 
But I am very glad to hear you are not a Creationist:-)
chilly d said…
Religiously motivated terror is the reality.
chilly d said…
How many atheists were involved in 9/11?
MifuneBoBune How many atheists were involved with the holocaust?


That's all the ignorance it takes to make such big mistakes.
Colin Hughes said…
I'm a terrorist, this is oddly empowering
chilly d said…
MifuneBoBune the point is and Christian extremists blowup clinics. Extremist God people are all terrorists. You want to talk to your imaginary friend? Go for it, but keep everyone else out of it.

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