Hey, T-Mobile​, when I tried dialing 911 about an hour ago and didn't have service ... Yeah, that was fun. Thanks.

Hey, T-Mobile​, when I tried dialing 911 about an hour ago and didn't have service ... Yeah, that was fun. Thanks.

I had to use the Hangouts dialer over WiFi and since CenturyLink provides my WiFi it didn't go well.


Tom McGill said…
Unless you are the most suck of suck signal areas, any GSM tower would have picked your signal up.
Jason ON said…
I'm not in a great area but I usually get service in my living room. Not earlier tonight, though.
Tom McGill said…
:/  I hope things worked out okay.  I know that's stressful, but all tech does have it's limitations.  2 teenagers died here (New England) recently because their 911 mayday didn't have GPS as it should have.

Over the last couple of years, I've definitely got the impression you've had far more than your share of bullshit (aka suffering).
Jason ON said…
Bunch of suffering. ;) Tonights was more of the same. Neighbors.
Tom McGill said…
Well, whatever the circumstance, from the annoying to the desperate, you aren't alone in that arena.
were you connected to wifi? maybe it was trying to use that instead of your actual cell service
Jason ON said…
I disconnected from WiFi for just that reason, Reverend Eric Ha​.

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