Let us disregard, for a moment, the apparently rampant man-on-boy sexual slavery going on over in Afghanistan, but...

Let us disregard, for a moment, the apparently rampant man-on-boy sexual slavery going on over in Afghanistan, but the US military covering it up and even holding our own men accountable to protect some of these slave child molesters? It's unconscionable.

I also can't believe this behavior is so common there. What kind of boys are held as sex slaves give prestige to the Afghan men who hold them?

What kind of culture is that?


Marsha Reid said…
You'd be surprised by how many engage children in some of these areas.

The human rights violations are insane.
Nolan L said…
For fucks sake. Who are our fucking kids fighting for if it isn't AGAINST shit like this. No wonder we are the devil in these areas. I wonder how many of these kids have joined Isil isis taliban since 1992? Or hell just 2001. The command issuing these kinds of orders needs to leave. If I caught that happening I think I'd be a goddamned hero for fixing the problem here! Fuck. Absolutely disgusting actions by our commanders. Just letting it go is unacceptable.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Yes, but tolerance.  Anyways, LOOK, HILLARY'S EMAILS!

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