This is the same problem I've been having with Google Chrome for the past couple of days.

This is the same problem I've been having with Google Chrome  for the past couple of days. It works fine upon launch but then after a few minutes the tabs crash. The "Kill" option doesn't work nor can you do anything at all in Chrome, even close it.

To quit Chrome, you have to go to Task Manager and quit it there.


I've already done everything on this page ( with no success and my next option is to uninstall and reinstall Chrome, cross my fingers and hope that works.

If anyone else has a suggestion out there, let me know. For the time being I'm using Firefox and while it's not as fast as Chrome, it's working more stable than Google's browser.!searchin/chrome/tabs$20crashing/chrome/86w9C0loMNk/_PGV6zmZWokJ


Jason ON said…
JP Lamunyon, since creating a new Chrome profile my Chrome doesn't show any plug-ins or extensions and yet the browser still crashes after a few minutes of use.
Jason ON said…
PC, Win7. No, not yet. I thought I'd try the Plusverse for advice first.
Jason ON said…
Agh! I already uninstalled, JP Lamunyon.
Jeremy Swigart said…
I had an issue where chrome was extremely slow a while back that I ultimately tracked to the Skype integration. Disabling it got me back up to speed.

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