So, +Chromecast doesn't work if even one computer on the wifi is running VPN.

So, +Chromecast doesn't work if even one computer on the wifi is running VPN. 


And the Chrome extension crashes regularly. 



Wait, so you're trying to cast a signal from a VPN'd computer?
Jason ON said…
No, but another computer on the network is VPNing for work.
And that messes it up? That seems rather odd from all networking viewpoints.
Jason ON said…
That's just the way it is, apparently. Even their help section says VPNs must be turned off.
John Ward said…
Google needs to know what you have been watching.
That's not ok. Maybe have to SSIDs?

Seriously lame.
John Ward said…
Does it maybe only have that restriction during setup? Once it's setup then you can enable your VPN once more and it'll work? I doubt that's the case, but thought I'd ask.
Michael Smith said…
Won't work if a computer on the network has VPN? That kills a lot of potential uses and locations. :-/

What is the return policy?
Jermal Smith said…
info on vpn's common: pptp based vpn uses gre port 1723/tcp. If i need to vpn into my workplace from my laptop this wouldn't work.  -OR- if i am running a VPN server it doesn't work?

can someone provide more details.

unless this device has GPS built in it has no way to know where you are based on network as I can originate from anywhere as long as i am routing my tragic out of a remote endpoint  --- confused and in need of more info please
Jason ON said…
Once I had Chromecast working properly and the VPN was launched from another computer, Chromecast stopped working properly so I'm not sure it's not just during setup.
Jermal Smith said…
interesting --- anyone wan't to donate one to me :) so i can blog about it over on
Jason ON said…
Just an update: Chromecast appears to have worked with a VPN running today. Don't know what happened the other day, but today was fine.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, but I've also had it terminate the connection midplay, too. Well, between videos anyway. One second everythings playing properly then suddent a notification that no Chromecast device is available.
Jason ON said…
I've had to reboot my Android a few times now to force it to find the Chromecast which is just a few feet away.
Jason ON said…
Really? I haven't touched while mid-use? Hmm....

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