Okay, Google google, if you want me to Chromecast my Music selection you need to make it easier to distinguish what...
Okay, Google google, if you want me to Chromecast my Music selection you need to make it easier to distinguish what songs are "side loaded" (on the device and subsequently not playable) and which are cloud based and are playable.
Even when I go to music.Google.com I'm having problems.
Even when I go to music.Google.com I'm having problems.
That's fairly lame.
Google Music does NOT play local content from your Android device to your Chromecast. All playlists, radio stations, and individual songs must be hosted in the cloud or uploaded through the Music Manager before they can be cast.
This is why I need something that distinguishes between the two locations. I spent an annoyingly long time yesterday trying to find something that would play.