Who watches the watchers? That is the question.

Who watches the watchers? That is the question.

Reality TV Show Catches Detective Lying Under Oath And On Police Reports. http://google.com/producer/s/CBIwrYO7Dw


Dave Maez said…
Fortunately that article linked to an LA Times article with more detail. Because all I could think was that the detective was an idiot: 1) reading the Miranda rights only takes about 20 seconds, 2) why bother mirandizing the suspect at all?  There was no reason to interrogate him since you had video evidence of him boosting a car.

But the LA Times article goes on to explain that he's not an idiot, he's a complete asshole with a history of extra-legal douchebaggery.  Apparently the video wasn't that conclusive and the cop knew he needed a confession but didn't want the kid lawyering up so he did his "you've seen TV" speech instead of properly mirandizing him.  He'd better lose his badge and serve the full 4 years for perjury.

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