Paul Murley is that you? What do you think ... Aliens?

Paul Murley is that you? What do you think ... Aliens?


Paul Murley said…
I can confirm it wasn't aliens.

Dean Holyer said…
Nan there is life out there, the question is this this life cognitive?
 All though this series on History2 channel is based on Con Dankens books. One argumant they like to stress is humanity would still be in the trees if it were not for Aliens. My return point's is where did their technology come from in the first place. And being creative and reasoning myself I do not fall for the we're to stupid to create what we have already. Humanity is not stupid, we may just not be as focused on space travel as some want. I myself wish we had a better focused desire for space travel. I see it as Humanities future and our of survival. Inmy view much of our stress on this planet today is based on basic rules of mammalian life, we need yo conquest teritory to feel we have answered a goal in life. This is a goal the life of mammals have had for 300 million years or so.
Jeff Chapman said…
Apparently in all his studies he never happened across a comb or a brush.   That or aliens didn't supply it so he won't use it....
Jason ON said…
I don't think this joke went over very well. Let me explain: when perusing G+ on mobile I came upon this image/meme and the facial recognition asked me if the guy in the image (George -Something) was Paul Murley.
Paul Murley said…
Someone set the picture as my profile picture once when obliterated at a bucks party :)
Jason ON said…
Oh, that's priceless.

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