This bill affects each and every one of us.

This bill affects each and every one of us. Please contact your representative and tell them you didn't give up your Fourth Amendment rights just because you signed up for an email account.

You know, if you're American. ;)

Originally shared by Brandon Downey


Write your senator about this one. It's not perfect, but if you believe a warrant (aka, 'probably cause') should be required before the police should be able to get access to your data in the cloud, then this one is for you:

I think this law makes sense on a number of bases:

(i) It fixes decades of bad court rulings about the privacy protection of personal communications, particularly in electronic form.
(ii) It's fairly clear to me that the intent of something like the fourth amendment that people should be secure in their "persons and papers" should apply to papers that you have entrusted to a third party for safekeeping
(iii) It's also clear that the government is abusing its powers any chance it gets to collect more data.

Note that this will not stop NSA interception (and NSL or FISA stuff either), but it's a start, and a good precedent.


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