So, I was wondering why, with a community of over 1400 people, there weren't more photowalks in the area.

So, I was wondering why, with a community of over 1400 people, there weren't more photowalks in the area. And because I have ideas for photowalks, I'm going to start some.

My idea isn't just to walk down the 16th Street Mall, the Pearl Street Mall nor to head to otherwise overly photographed areas, but to bring challenge and fun to the walks.

Walks where we invite along models and walks where we bring props. Walks where there are themes and walks where we visit different areas and walks where the goal in mobile photography only (no dSLRs or other handhelds).

I haven't figured out a set schedule yet (you know, first weekend of the month, last weekend of the month, whatever) but I'm thinking last weekend of the month for now. That means we can still sneak July in there with enough time for everyone to clear their schedules.

If this doesn't sound like fun for you guys, that's fine, don't RSVP. ;P

And, obviously, I'll be taking suggestions for locations, themes, etc in the coming months.


I've been looking for a casual film shooters group or walks. Any plans toward that end?
Heidi S said…
Peaked my interest.
Jason ON said…
Daniel J. Schneider, I actually was thinking about a walk with film. Many people have forgotten what it means to shoot with film and I thought it might be fun to get a handful of photogs running about with their film cameras. It'll be culture shock for a lot of people.

Heidi Short, good to hear. I want to make this at least a monthly meet, rain, snow or shine.
Jason ON You could even make them themed; medium format, SLR, rangefinder, snapshot/box camera day... I'm definitely interested. Sunday days or most evenings around 6:30 or 7.
Heidi S said…
I love my film camera, wouldn't give it up for the world.
Brian Avis said…
I'd be interested.    Assuming the schedule works out that is.
Run with it Jason. It was one of the ideas we had when the community was originally formed, and I know there are several folks that would have an interest, myself included.
Heidi S said…
I've been tring to get people to do a photo scavenger hunt. With not to much success,( but I think we should try your idea.
Brian Avis said…
It's a different format than what you're doing Heidi Short but if you're interested in the scavenger hunt idea, there is a rather large one that goes on pretty regularly here on G+, the Chrysta Rae's Photography Scavenger Hunt , usually a few hundred participants, you get a list of 10 words and head out and start hunting. Each photographer has to come up with their own interpretation of the 10 words.  The Summer 2013 hunt is going on right now, so stay tuned for the reveals some time in August.   :)
Heidi S said…
Thanks I'll take a peek at that.
Jason ON said…
Sorry I've been quiet lately. As it turns out it costs money not to be homeless and I had to go make some. ;)

I'll have more time this weekend to come up with a schedule and a plan but from what I've seen no one really has a problem with my original idea of the last weekend (possibly Sunday) of the month.
Jason ON said…
Sorry I've been so incommunicado guys. Life's been fairly busy, busier than I was expecting for the past couple of weeks.

Since July is almost over, I was thinking about August, perhaps second weekend.

Why second weekend? Well, like I said before: I'd like to get a stable recurring time set up so people can plan accordingly and with the winter coming (Hallowe'en, Turkey Day, Christmas, etc) I didn't think it was logical to set up something for the end of the months.

I'm going camping this weekend (and should have left already) so when I get back or on Monday, I'll create an event and share it with the community. We'll see how it goes and move on from there.

Okay? Okay.

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