So, I was wondering why, with a community of over 1400 people, there weren't more photowalks in the area.
So, I was wondering why, with a community of over 1400 people, there weren't more photowalks in the area. And because I have ideas for photowalks, I'm going to start some.
My idea isn't just to walk down the 16th Street Mall, the Pearl Street Mall nor to head to otherwise overly photographed areas, but to bring challenge and fun to the walks.
Walks where we invite along models and walks where we bring props. Walks where there are themes and walks where we visit different areas and walks where the goal in mobile photography only (no dSLRs or other handhelds).
I haven't figured out a set schedule yet (you know, first weekend of the month, last weekend of the month, whatever) but I'm thinking last weekend of the month for now. That means we can still sneak July in there with enough time for everyone to clear their schedules.
If this doesn't sound like fun for you guys, that's fine, don't RSVP. ;P
And, obviously, I'll be taking suggestions for locations, themes, etc in the coming months.
My idea isn't just to walk down the 16th Street Mall, the Pearl Street Mall nor to head to otherwise overly photographed areas, but to bring challenge and fun to the walks.
Walks where we invite along models and walks where we bring props. Walks where there are themes and walks where we visit different areas and walks where the goal in mobile photography only (no dSLRs or other handhelds).
I haven't figured out a set schedule yet (you know, first weekend of the month, last weekend of the month, whatever) but I'm thinking last weekend of the month for now. That means we can still sneak July in there with enough time for everyone to clear their schedules.
If this doesn't sound like fun for you guys, that's fine, don't RSVP. ;P
And, obviously, I'll be taking suggestions for locations, themes, etc in the coming months.
Heidi Short, good to hear. I want to make this at least a monthly meet, rain, snow or shine.
I'll have more time this weekend to come up with a schedule and a plan but from what I've seen no one really has a problem with my original idea of the last weekend (possibly Sunday) of the month.
Since July is almost over, I was thinking about August, perhaps second weekend.
Why second weekend? Well, like I said before: I'd like to get a stable recurring time set up so people can plan accordingly and with the winter coming (Hallowe'en, Turkey Day, Christmas, etc) I didn't think it was logical to set up something for the end of the months.
I'm going camping this weekend (and should have left already) so when I get back or on Monday, I'll create an event and share it with the community. We'll see how it goes and move on from there.
Okay? Okay.